Comprehensive protection tested by time
Allatan 105, OD – selective herbicide with high biological efficiency, for post-emergence protection of corn crops from a complex of annual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds. Active ingredien – mesotrion 75 g/l + nikosulfuron 30 g/l.
Rimax D 762, WG – a selective post-emergence herbicide for cereal crop protection against annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds resistant to 2,4 D. Active ingredien – tribenuron-methyl, 102.5 g/kg + dicamba, 659 g/kg.
Teson 622, SE – combined herbicide of systemic action to control a wide range of dicotyledonous weeds, including those resistant to 2,4-D and MCPA in cereal crops. Active ingredien – 2,4-D acid as a complex 2-ethylhexyl ester, 615 g/l (converted to 2,4-D acid 410 g/l) + florasulam, 7,4 g/l.