Bestseller Turbo 200, SC – double action against pests!
The company “TerraVita”, one of the leaders of suppliers of crop protection products on the domestic market, offers Ukrainian agricultural producers Bestseller Turbo 200, SC – an economical pyrethroid insecticide of double action for the protection of plants against a wide range of pests.
For many years, this product helps agriculturists to get rid of the major pests in the sowings of wheat, rape, barley and sugar beet. Due to the contact-intestinal action Bestseller Turbo 200, SC results in death of pests because of the strong firing of nerve cells that result in a paralysis of the central and peripheral nervous system.
Many agronomists pay special attention to the double concentration of an active ingredient of Bestseller Turbo 200, SC, what gives an economic efficiency during using of this product. However, without time-urgent and eradicative effect on the problem and specific pests, Bestseller Turbo 200, SC would not gained the favor of many agricultural producers. This product is effective at all stages of pests’ morphosis.
Experts have noted that Bestseller Turbo 200, SC is safe for mammals and birds, if following the recommended dose rates of application. Due to the low dose rates, the product does not migrate into the soil and does not get into the ground water.
It should be noted that Bestseller Turbo 200, SC is used on many agricultural crops and forest plantations, as well as demonstrates a rapid and longtime effect on pests.
So, to prevent or in case of problems in pests control you have an opportunity to visit “TerraVita” website http://ge.terravita.kiev.ua at any time or to contact our professional team at (044) 401 03 94, and you will find effective solutions of all the above-mentioned problems.