Sprinter 700 WG can be used in tank-mixture with the majority of powder and liquid products – organic insecticides and fungicides. The product is not compatible with alkaline compounds, products containing sulfur, as well as oil-containing products.
Apple: The best time to use the product against apple scab – is spraying before and after flowering in combination with systemic products, as this period is essential for plant infection by a fungal diseases. Consecutive and regular treatments with an interval of 8-10 days show consistent high efficiency. The action of the product appears in 48 hours after the treatment.
Grape: It is advisable to carry out sprayings with systemic fungicides before and after flowering of vineyards. Later, ensure the alternation with products of contact action. The intervals between sprayings and number of treatments depend on the duration of protective action of fungicides and meteorological conditions that determine the nature and intensity of downy mildew. Remember that at the epiphytotic development of the disease reduces the term of fungicides protective effect on 3-4 days. Good adhesiveness and a high proportion of re-distribution of the fungicide Sprinter WG provide protection of grapevine against mildew in wet weather conditions.
Peach: The main spraying of peach is carried out in phase of mass leaves formation at the first signs of the disease.